Chickpea Cookies?

Who would think of making cookies out of beans?  Maybe the same people who thought of making black bean brownies.  Anthony always thinks I'm strange for wanting to try all kinds of new and unusual recipes, but I enjoy trying different things and this was just too interesting to resist.  I used this recipe.

In my opinion, these are not as good as the reviews make them out to be.  I didn't think that they tasted just like the perfect, normal, gooey cookie out of the oven.  And I actually liked the plain, uncooked dough better than the baked cookies.  However, they really aren't bad and are fairly healthy since they have no processed flour or sugar in them (other than the chocolate chips).  So I guess if you want gluten-free or somewhat healthy cookie full of protein, these are the ones for you.

You can see that they really do turn out looking like pretty normal cookies.
