
While doing laundry at my grandma's house, I came across a baking implement I'd never seen before and took it out to find out what it was.  It was this - a krumkake iron:

With a pretty design on the inside.

My loving grandma agreed to make krumkake with me since I had never done it before.  She let me do the work and it was a lot of fun.  The final result was like tiny waffle cones!  (This one below is one I didn't roll up, though, so you can see the cool design)

We made a quarter recipe because we weren't cooking for a crowd.  Between me, grandma, and Anthony, we were able to finish them off in two days.

1/4 c. sugar
2 eggs
1/4 c. butter, melted
1/4 c. flour
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

Beat the sugar and eggs together well, then beat in the rest of the ingredients.  Heat the iron on medium heat on both sides.  Pour 1 tsp. of batter (for real - if you use more than that it squirts out) onto the hot krumkake iron.  Close it and cook on one side for about 5 seconds, then flip and cook on the other side for about 5 seconds.  Open up the iron, pop the krumkake out, and roll it up (using a little wooden implement that came with the iron) into a cone.  Let it cool, then store in an air-tight container.

My grandma said she used to serve them to her family with some cherry pie filling and whipped cream, but I thought they were great just as they were.  Though, it might also be fun to roll them up into true cones (sealed at the bottom) and then actually have them as mini ice cream waffle cones!
