Cooking on the Beach

Okay, those unusual doughnuts above were not cooked on the beach, nor were they made by me.  But they were really unique food that I ate on a camping trip I took with friends.  Prior to arriving at our campsite, we stopped in Austin and shared a doughnut with cream cheese frosting and vanilla wafers on top and one with chocolate and roasted strawberries.

At our campsite, which was literally on the beach, we cooked all of our dinners over our campfire.  We made hobo dinners with farm veggies and pesto wrapped in foil and cooked over the coals for about 20 minutes.  There were potatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, radishes, and onions.  Perhaps we were just really hungry from being out in the sun all day, but it was amazing every time!

We also used the rocket stove to boil water so we could have hot tea and cocoa at night.
